Wow, you guys don't know how much reading your posts has helped in a
way. Kinda got shifted my gears a bit.
I know getting away from the computer would be a good thing,
but...that's a tough one.

I do plenty of killing, I rank it the top 100 Q3 CTF players every
week. Even with all the damn bots these days ;)
No kids for me! No way...
Unfortunately I work in too small a shop to get into my own stuff for
too long, along comes a project and I need to get to work on it. I've
got like a dozen unfinished awesome pet projects that would rule the
I'm also not religous, but sometimes I think those guys are onto
something. Douglas I liked all your suggestions...I need some camping.

Cameron I really liked your response because you so captured the
essence of it. So how did things fall into place starting your own
company? I've thought about doing that, but it's always those first
few clients that are tough. The only steady money makers are those I
know from my current position, and I could take them with me, but
those damn ethics would keep me from going after them.


Wednesday, August 28, 2002, 2:01:01 AM, you wrote:

CC> I'm right there with you man...  Two years ago I think I was one of the top
CC> 10 or at least 20 posters to cf-talk.  Nothing like Dave Watts mind you, but
CC> pretty consistently.  I lived and breathed CF (and any related technology I
CC> could get my hands on).  I started the Atlanta CFUG, I worked 60-70 hour
CC> weeks at home and in the office, weekends etc... but I loved it!  Went to
CC> every conference, read every post on every mailing list...

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