Maybe I'm splitting hairs, but I the term "pedophilia" is a broad
term...just looked it up on, covering both act and
fantasy. Rape wasn't listed as a synonym in either case though, in
which case an eye for an eye approach sounds fine to me. Since the
term covers fantasy though we start accepting the idea of thought
police if we made pedophilia a capital offense. Liberty or pedophilia,
that is the choice in my mind. Heck reading my own justification makes
me sick, but that's the way I think about the matter abstractly.

I only skimmed the article, but the author sounds like on of those
NAMBLA idiots. As disgusting as they are, I'd rather the way these
people think be understood, because killing them all isn't going to
stop it, and would only drive them underground.


Wednesday, October 9, 2002, 6:48:19 PM, you wrote:

J> How about murdering a pedophile?

J> At 05:22 PM 10/9/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>>Which is worse? Pedophilia or murder?
>>  jon
>>  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Wednesday, October 9, 2002, 1:20:26 PM, you wrote:
>>J> Kevin said, "I think the author of the book should be drug out into the
>>J> street and shot."  Being drug out into the street and shot is not the
>>J> answer to this problem ...
>>J> He should be drug into the street, lit on fire, stoned,  forced to what a
>>J> full season of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays and the St. Louis Rams,  forced to
>>J> listed to the Jim Nabors Christmas CD, drawn and quartered, skinned, be
>>J> Bobbitized, then shot in the kneecaps first...

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