bah tim i trust you to give accurate #s lol
----- Original Message -----
From: "Timothy Heald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 7:44 AM
Subject: RE: Robotic assassinations.

> Sorry, 18 dead.
> Tim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Timothy Heald
> Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 7:42 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: Robotic assassinations.
> Somalia taught us what?
> Lets see it cost us 6 dead and some wounded vs. over 1000 dead on the
Somali side.
> Why do people insist that we lost that battle?
> Tim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Angel Stewart [mailto:gel@;]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 5:57 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: Robotic assassinations.
> Better hope it isn't your cousins or family in the middle east etc. that
> are targeted next time on unknown grounds of their being 'Terrorists'
> eh.
> And people question why US Foreign Policy may provide fodder for madmen
> to feed the fanatics at their disposal.
> I wonder what would have happened if that Hellfire missile missed, or
> the car otherwise got away and there was...oh what's the politically
> correct term? Oh right..'Collateral Damage'...??
> But I guess it wouldn't matter to the average American..since from their
> point of view its probably all a bunch of stinking brown skinned Arab
> bastards being killed anyways. Fuck em all and the Muslim monkey they
> rode in on hmmmm?
> So we sit back and admire the 'might' of the UNITED States of
> to kill remotely with Robots. Ooooh what Big Balls they
> have! Next they'll be dropping a Nuke on Iraq with a remotely piloted
> plane.
> ( Oooh look CNN? See? No American Loss of Life to report to the
> public....only a lot of bastard brown skinned middle eastern muslim
> people...)
> So the US takes the high road and kills people..or engages in
> 'Assassinations' instead of following the due process of International
> Law and arresting the people or otherwise bringing them to
> justice...then again I guess Somalia taught certain sectors a lesson
> that their 'special' training might not be worth shit in certain
> environments.
> Sweet.Way to go Bush. Reverse years of work against US involvement in
> outright assassination attempts.
> So it's not alright for Israel....but now its suddenly ok for the US?
> Bunch of facking hypocrites if you ask me.
> And I'd REALLY like someone to try to explain that and change my point
> of view.
> Wonder if it would be alright for China, or USSR to start doing the same
> against enemies of THEIR states.
> Ah what the fuck! Trinidad could start launching coconuts remotely at
> anyone we don't like next!
> -Gel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cantrell, Adam [mailto:Acantrell@;]
> Surprised nobody has brought up the robotic assassination the CIA
> conducted on Sunday in Yemen.
> Basically they used an unmanned Predator aircraft to fire a Hellfire
> missile at some terrorists driving in a car.
> What do you think - cowardly or patriotic?
> Adam.
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