Oh? Why is it laughable? 

You're trying to tell me you haven't heard the theory that the US should
just drop a Nuke on Baghdad and end the whole story with Iraq?

Heck man..George Carlin said it in a comedy sketch," When we're bored we
just go over and bomb a lot of brown people"...He's a cynic...so his
humor is usually based on something he perceives as being true. 

Are you also going to say that in America these days there isn't a very
high amount of bias against Muslims and people that appear to be Middle

My point wasn't that the REASON for the attack was based on Race...my
point was that I am sure that for SOME the gravity of this change in
American Policy would be lost BECAUSE the men were Middle Eastern, and
'SUSPECTED' terrorists.

I also brought up the hypothetical scenario of what if China was 'AT
WAR' with the Yakuza, and fired an ICBM into Washington to destroy a
Yakuza convoy after American law enforcement failed to capture the men.

What would American's think then? That China was protecting its
interests against a group of Terrorists?

Do you honestly think that ANY sovereign state would willingly allow a
foreign country to launch missiles in their territory? Why didn't
America land a force of their 'Special Forces' to capture the men and
bring them to trial? Obviously they knew exactly where they would be.

ALSO ....ALSO....the men were burnt beyond recognition..so how the hell
do we now know WHO WAS ACTUALLY IN THE CAR!?? 

Perhaps because I went overboard with my imagery the point was lost..but
there it is.

P.S. I didn't take anything seriously, nor did I get upset etc. etc. 

-----Original Message-----
From: William Wheatley [mailto:bill@;ediets.com] 

and here

~But I guess it wouldn't matter to the average American..since from
their ~point of view its probably all a bunch of stinking brown skinned
Arab ~bastards being killed anyways. Fuck em all and the Muslim monkey
they ~rode in on hmmmm?

~Oooh look CNN? See? No American Loss of Life to report to the
~public....only a lot of bastard brown skinned middle eastern muslim

The look was that we americans are just some racists and its not true
and thats what he was basically saying. Oh we were just attackign some
poor brown skinned insert other slurs here.

Its laughable and completely untrue.

When you look at the context of how i used the words you will see you
were off base.

Word are too overated. People get too bent out of shape by certain words
and a word in and of itself is not bad. :)

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