.. never tried it - but now I'll have to! :-)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adam Churvis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2002 5:20 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Beaujolais Nouveau scam?
> If you like Beaujolais, you really should try the Louis Jadot
> Beaujolais-Villages.  I currently have some from the 2000 
> season, and I've
> always been afraid to admit that it's my favorite young wine. 
>  I've had
> nightmares that go like this:
> ---
> French Person: Do you like wine, Messieur?
> Adam: Yes, I do.
> French Person: What kind of wine do you like?
> Adam: You know, I really like Louis Jadot 
> Beaujolais-Villages. It has a
> bright presence, and a spr--
> French Person: I'm afraid you will have to come with me, Messieur.
> Adam: --ightly finish.  Huh? Come with you? By whose authority?
> French Person: By the authority vested in me for being French 
> and having a
> well developed knowledge of wine, Messieur, which as you know 
> are mostly one
> and the same!
> Adam: What am I being charged with?
> French Person: You are charged with the most despicable crime 
> in all of
> France: being a typical American!
> Adam: But I'm not! I'm not! Look, I didn't buy any kitchy 
> postcards of the
> Eiffel Tower, I'm not doing any Maurice Chevalier imitations, 
> and I'm not
> even trying to speak French!
> French Person: Perhaps these things will save your life, 
> Messieur, but you
> must come in for questioning...
> (later that evening, after being strapped to a chair in a 
> cool, dark earthen
> dungeon, a bright light shining in my eyes...)
> Different French Person: So... you are American, no?
> Adam: Yes.
> Different French Person: And you claim to savor a Beaujolias. 
> I suppose it
> is because it is the only wine you can pronounce?
> Adam: No, I can also pronounce "Chateau Lafite Rothschild" 
> and "Chateau
> Margeaux--"
> French people in the room, grasping their ears in severe 
> pain: No! Stop!
> Stop! Do not try to speak French!
> Adam: Sorry.
> Different French Person: Tell me, Messieur: do you choose a 
> wine based on
> how "pretty" the label is, like most Americans?  Are you 
> attracted to the
> bright watercolor prints on coated white paper labels with 
> their stylish
> fontography and plain English names like "Autumn Blush?"
> Adam: No! That stuff is mass-market Californian swill! I 
> would never stoop
> that low!
> Yet another French Person, standing beside a curtain: Perhaps 
> no, Messieur.
> But... SHE would! (throws aside the curtain)
> Adam: Lisa!!!
> French Person: Yes, Messieur!  Your wife!  Our agents caught her on
> videotape back in your United States, purchasing THIS! (hands 
> me a bottle of
> wine with a holographic 3D label that shows bright flowers 
> blossoming as you
> rotate the bottle)
> Adam: "Berry Blossom Zinfandel?" Lisa, how could you?!
> French Person: At this point, Messieur, your only chance of 
> making it out of
> this wine cellar alive is for your wife to answer the 
> following questions
> accurately.  Francois, bring the cheeses.
> Adam: No!!! She's just a novice! Don't!
> French Person: Mrs. Churvis, before you are three soft 
> cheeses.  Identify
> which one is the Brie, which is the Boursault, and which is the
> Brillat-Savarin...
> Adam: NOOOOO!!!!!!!
> (wakes up in a cold sweat, panting)
> ---
> Something like that.  Anyone out there also like the Louis Jadot?
> Respectfully,
> Adam Phillip Churvis
> Advanced Intensive ColdFusion MX Training
> http://www.ColdFusionTraining.com
> Phone:   770-446-8866
> Team Macromedia Volunteer for ColdFusion
> http://www.macromedia.com/support/forums/team_macromedia/
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ben Braver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 5:46 PM
> Subject: Beaujolais Nouveau scam?
> > Amusing article about marketing super-hype:
> >
> > http://slate.msn.com/?id=2074387
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
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