I was following it for a while but missed the move to London.

As far as the reactions of the moslems... it's reactionary, not 
rational.  Reactions don't have to be rational, and in all honesty there 
are tons of cases where rationality and reaction don't meet when it 
comes to humans.  The biggest influence there is the mob, though.  The 
mob reaction can be a very scary thing indeed.


Raymond Camden wrote:

>I'm still catching up on email so forgive me if this has already been
>discussed. Anyone else following the Miss World riots? I was reading
>this URL:
>and got pretty disgusted by this:
>"The Miss World pageant was hastily relocated to London, but there
>pageant organizers came up against more opposition with media and lobby
>groups accusing them of having blood on their hands."
>Let me see if I get this. A _reporter_ makes a comment about the
>pageant. This reporter is not associated with the pageant. The local
>folks get violent, because, as we all know, if someone offends your
>religion you have every right to go out and kill hundreds of folks. Yet
>somehow this is the pageant's fault? I'm not a big support of pageants
>but this seems rather stupid (although you have to wonder what they were
>thinking going to a country that is obviously full of wackos - and sorry
>if that offends - but if they are going to _riot_ over a comment like
>this - they need something better to do).
>Maybe I'm not a dedicated enough to my religion - but if someone told me
>God didn't exist, or was stupid, or whatever, I can't see killing him
>over it.
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