Hey Raymond,
Having some familiarity with Nigeria (er...a degree in the study of a
specific Nigerian culture), I'd say it's probably not fair to dismiss
everyone there as a bunch of wackos. The religious conflict in Nigeria is
deeply-rooted and carries with it a long history. There's essentially three
"groups" - the muslims, the christians, and the folks that practice one of
many "native" (pagan, for lack of a better term) religions. Many of the
political conflicts in Nigeria are directly tied to the religious
affiliation of the leader of the political movement. The north and the south
are strongly divided, with the north being primarily muslim and the south
being a blend of christianity/paganism. Religion is a major
identity-determining factor for many folks there.

However, I agree that it was probably a bad idea to hold a pageant there.
(Last time I checked, American airplanes still couldn't fly in or out of
Nigeria due to safety concerns.)

Deanna Schneider
Interactive Media Developer

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