> I wasnt trying to be funny i was being serious.
> They really werent the best terrorists either if they didnt have any nice
> hardware to mow the cops down with.
> Well maybe they were bio-terrorists and not the kind who are fond of the
> AK-47.
They are being linked with a bio-terrorist threat.

> And well its stupid that they didnt come in armed and armoured it was a
> stupid mistake on the cops part and he died for it.
Not going to comment.   I don't know what the police know, nor do I know
what their investigation is going to find.

> That would be similar to a cop in the US going out without a bulletproof
> vest on thinking they are a pain in the ass and then getting shot and
> killed. Who can you blame other then the officer who didnt want to wear
> body armour?
Can't comment.   I don't know what the police know, nor do I know what their
investigation is going to find.

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