
Were you equally vocal about the war in Bosnia?


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 5:53 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Prime Minister's Address to the Nation...


As the husband of a recently ex-member of our military (my wife has
recently left the Air Force), I fully support our forces in the Gulf
doing their job - engaging a perceived (rightly or wrongly) enemy at the
behest of our government.
My issue is solely with our government here in Australia and in
particulr with our PM, who I think is an immoral, lying deceiver whose
whole motivation is with maintaining a relationship as a minor partner
in any US-UK-AU alliance.  I'm at a loss as to where that alliance is
headed - are they after oil, do they want to break off from the UN, or
does Dubya simply have Howard and Blair fooled into believing his
As someone INTIMATELY familiar with the dichotomy of supporting forces
(as the husband of an ex-member of the military and the son of a Vietnam
vet) and supporting the action the forces are involved in.  In this
case, I DON'T, and will NEVER support the cause.
Should the unlikely situation occur that the forces currently in Iraq DO
discover weapons of mass destruction (biological, chemical or nuclear),
I will STILL not support the action as it stands as my belief is that it
is illegal under the UN Charter and current UN Security Council
resolutions.  What I will acknowledge should such a discovery take place
is that the UNSC were WRONG, and should have sanctioned the action.


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