
Absolutely.  I took that "political profile" test last week (week
before?) and it put me right where I expected, way out in the SW
quadrant - left-leaning social justice loving radical.  Similar tests
for "moral profile" have me as a "secular humanist".  What it basically
comes down to is that my spectrum of beliefs on a wealth of issues
places me smack-bang in the middle of the protest-attending,
letter-writing left.
While the Balkans was much less of an issue here, with almost no
involvement by Australian forces, among our fairly large "Yugoslav"
(Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, etc.) community, it was
certainly an issue.  I made it my business to understand the problems
there, and I am now glad, and believe it's right that Milosevic and the
others of his government are being tried in the Hague.
This is also what should happen subsequent to the current Iraq
conflict.  Hussein and the appropriate members of his regime should be
tried by the ICC (as the internationally agreed to court of
jurisdiction).  Of course, I also believe that individuals among the US,
UK and Australian governments have also broken international law (as
agreed to in the UN), and should face the appropriate jurisdiction.
It fascinates me that, as previously mentioned somewhere in this
discussion, the US as a key founder of the UN now sees itself as either
above or outside the UN.  It may well be that the UN is overly
bureaucratic, slow, too careful, whatever.  It may be that UN weapons
inspectors are incompetent and couldn't find their backsides with both
hands.  But the fact remains that the UN, right or wrong, is the only
international body to which all these nations are a member, and to which
they have all ceded authority on certain decisions.  Going off and
taking unilateral action without UN backing then becomes either an act
of defiance of the UN, or simply illegal.  Or both.  The weight of
international legal opinion, and IANAL so I am in no position to judge,
seems to be that the current action is illegal.  Thus my current stance.


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