Answers inline, that's what you get for writing such a long post :)

>Children get killed here every day. Why aren't people in the streets 
>protesting the bastards that do that? 

maybe because nobody is trying to tell them what a good thing it is?

>Why isn't anyone protesting the cowards that walk into Israeli movie >theaters, bus 
>stops and SCHOOLS to blow up children.

maybe because our government isnt one of the causes of that?

>Shit I promise you more children died because of Saddam and 
>his policies than are going to die in this war. 

maybe, but even there, we subsidized that


>This isn't just Iraq, and I really don't think it will end in Iraq. 

Now you are really scaring me

>It's an ideal, a belief in the sanctity and the value of human life. In liberty. 

War is peace. Ignorance is strength. Arbeit macht frei.

>I am willing to give up my life, and to take others lives, in order to >forward the 
>cause of liberty for my children, and for you children, and >for Egypt's children and 
>Iraq's children. 

Really. How are you doing that?

>Dana, when is it enough to fight for? We live in a new age. The world 
>isn't as large as it once was. Not that we are running out of space, just 
>that we are all closer through video, TV and the internet.

I understand all the words in those sentences but together they don't seem
to add up to a point. Good rhetoric though.

>How much longer will we be able to, in good conscience, turn our backs on >the world.

When did we ever? We invade a new country, right or wrong, every five years
or so. In effect we are expanding the Monroe Doctrine from the western
hemisphere to the entire planet. Assuming current policy is not entire

>To allow all of the petty dictators and junior Dr. Evils of the world run 
>around and do what they want. How many children will we have to let the 
>next Pol Pot get? How long will we turn a blind eye to the atrocities in 
>China, Iran, Libya, South America? 

Is that who is next? Personally, I am not a big fan of destroying the
village in order to save it. 

>We cannot personally rebuild all of these places. We cannot occupy them >all and make 
>them do what we want. 

You sound sorry....

>The only recourse we have is to kill the bad ones. I think it's a rather >simple 
>doctrine. Don't do evil.

You think we don't ever do evil? What about judge not lest ye be judged,

>The golden rule with a twist, do unto others, or we'll do unto you. Wiccan >say "Do 
>as you will so long as you harm none". I would change that to say >something like 
>"Harm none lest ye be harmed". 

War is terrorism with a big budget.

>See the idea of the laws of three get left out of the basic wiccan ideal. >That 
>whatever you do will be brought back against you three fold. I am not >saying it's 
>what I believe. My wife is into that stuff not me. I just >think is a good idea when 
>looked at in the correct light. 

An eye for an eye, that kind of thing? I might even agree with that if I
trusted the people making the judgements. My unease with this war
fundamentally stems from the conviction that the American people is being
lied to.

>We have the opportunity to create an amazing world.

With our big guns?

> Its going to be hard, it's going to cost money, blood and lives. We >cannot 
> sacrifice individual liberty in the way we are now in doing so.

I am not sure what you mean by this. Personal liberty is a bad thing? Or
it's a good thing and it's being sacrificed? If so, how?

> I am tired of hearing apologists, and those who would compromise. Can the >rat 
> compromise with the snake? Ideologies can be looked at like that. Some >are just 
> incompatible. 

I suppose this is fair enough as far as it goes. If the truth is being told
and those are in fact the facts. Maybe.

>We are killing children in Iraq. This is a fact. We have killed children 
>all over the world. This is not a nice thing, a pretty thing. It is a side 
>effect of war.

And all the more reason to avoid it if it isnt necessary. I believe the
motives of our leaders are much more murky than they way they are being

> Diplomacy must have it's day, I am not saying do away with it, but it >also must 
> eventually be put aside and the work of creation, directed >violence, must begin. 
> This is the truth of human existence. The 
>dichotomy of love and hate. Peace through war. Wealth through poverty. 

Man and I thought maybe I was overdoing it quoting Big Brother. DO you
really believe that stuff??

>Can you look at this world objectively? Without the tug of the heart 
>strings? Can you see 20, 30 or 100 years from now?

Yeah. The I see the future and the future is carrying signs saying "I hate
American Intervention". Why can't we leave those people alone? It would
cost the wrong people money is why :)

> I try, and without a major war, a cultural shift, I don't like what I >see. I see an 
> America in decline. I see third world countries taking over. 

And? Let them play policeman a while and see how they like it :) Seriously,
a strong America and an insecure America are mutually incompatible.

>Rather than our lifting countries to our level, we are dragged in to their >quagmire. 

Really. I don't think they have that power, personally. So which of us
really believes in America, hmm?

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