With most of the wakos like that, I always start reciting passages like
"Let ye who is without sin..." and "Love thy neighbor.." and they sulk
and shut up. 

And no I'm not calling Christians wakos, just the ones how feel the need
to take time out of their day to tell a complete stranger his soul will
rot for eternity. That's a fine how-do-ya-do!

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 5:25 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Christian vs. Muslim

I've had a born-again next door neighbor tell me I was going to hell
because I 
didn't accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.

I told her I felt sorry for her, being a religious bigot, and knowing so
about her own supposed Lord, who was born, lived, and died a Jew.

> yeah I have had some well-meaning people try to convert me too....
> Dana
> William H. Bowen writes:
> > Well I was going to send the message below (see snips) but then I 
> > saw the response of Mr Small, and I think I'd like to add a little 
> > there too...
> > 
> > I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the number of times 
> > that I have been personally told by folks practicing Christianity, 
> > God-fearing folks, going to Church on Sunday folks, that I, as a 
> > Catholic, am not entitled to a little slice of heaven because I do 
> > not subscribe to their particular subset of a franchise of 
> > Christianity.
> > 
> > "Being a missionary is a calling that these people have from their 
> > Divine creator"
> > 
> > Great; fan-friggin-tastic; but I don't see what that has to do with 
> > telling my kid (who is 8) he's going to hell because he doesn't go 
> > to church, what the f*ck kind of Christian value is that? Yes, I am 
> > referring to a specific incident. Am I trying to say that *all* 
> > Christians are this way? No, not by any means, but in my own 
> > *personal* experience, Christians of the non-Catholic, demi-Baptist 
> > or Evangelical varities tend to be more...hmmm... assertive in their

> > prosletizing, even/especially when it comes to preaching and 
> > "witnessing" to members of the founding faith.
> > 
> > <snip>
> > Michael,
> > 
> > Good points.
> > 
> > On one hand Muslim and Arab communities around the globe are already

> > clamoring that this is a Christian vs. Muslim conflict, I don't 
> > really see that one more group of missionaries is going to give that

> > opinion any more or less creedence. If our troops pulled out today, 
> > there would still be clamoring for years and years about "Crusade 
> > '03" and how horrible it was.
> > 
> > On the other hand I think that the missionaries that follow Mr 
> > Graham over yonder will be taking a greater risk than normal with 
> > their own personal safety, something that will undoubtedly sway 
> > public opinion even further should those folks be killed. </snip>
> > 
> > will
> > ----
> > 
> > William H. Bowen
> > Webmaster
> > 
> > ALSTOM's T&D Energy Automation & Information Business
> > 
> > "Your friendly neighborhood Webmaster!"
> > 
> > http://www.esca.com/
> > 
> > 425.739.3629 Voice
> > 425.466.7016 Cell
> > 425.739.3690 FAX
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Michael Dinowitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 8:58 AM
> > Subject: Re: Christian vs. Muslim
> > 
> > 
> > > On one hand I hate missionary scum. I think they should all be 
> > > hung by
> > their
> > > gentiles until they decide to leave other peoples religions alone.

> > > On the
> > other
> > > hand, sending missionaries to Iraq will simply lend more credence 
> > > to the
> > Arabs
> > > propaganda that this is another crusade. On the third hand, I say 
> > > let them
> > go.
> > > When the local populace kills them for trying to convert them then

> > > maybe
> > they'll
> > > get a clue.
> > > Please note that the above is due to my extreme dislike of 
> > > missionaries,
> > many of
> > > whom have it as their personal mission to convert my people to 
> > > another
> > religion.
> > > I'm not going into whose religion is right or anything in that 
> > > area. I
> > just
> > > don't think that people should be going around saying "worship MY 
> > > God,
> > yours is
> > > wrong" or "worship the one God MY way as yours is wrong" or any 
> > > way they
> > want to
> > > say it.
> > > As for the members of the community that are missionaries, they 
> > > have never
> > tried
> > > to convert me in any way, shape, or form and I have not tried to 
> > > remove
> > their
> > > faith through debate. It's a nice balance. :)
> > >
> > >
> > > > I heard something interesting on NPR today.  Samaritan's Purse, 
> > > > a christian charity run by Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham,

> > > > will be sending missionaries to Iraq.  Unfortunately Franlkin 
> > > > has been very outspoken against the muslim religion.  So how 
> > > > will the affect the perception that this work is about 
> > > > christians vs muslims, a viewpoint held by a some muslim 
> > > > leaders.  Should we restrict who can go in there during this 
> > > > time?
> > > >
> > > > Marlon
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > 
> > 

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