Well I tried to set up a DELL with the same features as the Alienware
Area 51...and it came up even more expensive...and without the cool
case! :)

Now let's not get into the Gateway 700XL....

Alienware's also built their reputation on good service and robust
machines that are properly tested etc. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Graeme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Mike, you're right that the primary feature difference of Alienware is
the case. For you (and me) that's not enough to warrant the extra cost.
But I will admit that when I've built my own systems I've paid a little
extra for a "cool looking" case over a just as functional, cheaper case.

I don't know how closely you follow the computer gaming and building
scene, but case designs are a HUGE purchase factor. Whether that's a
pre-built system like Alienware or buying and modding an off-the-shelf
case, aesthetics are becoming a major part of being a computer geek. And
people DO take them out in public. Public LAN games are like muscle-car
hot rod shows for the geek crowd. It's not just what's under the hood,
it's also the airbrushed flames on the side.

Like you, I wouldn't spend the money on Alienware. I build my own in no
small part because I want to save some money. But I did build a system
that was nearly identical to a previous generation Alienware even down
to the case. So aesthetically my computer was just as pretentious as the
expensive Alienware. I just didn't spend the extra money. =)


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