Apparently the "world" had enough patience to wait indefinately for Saddam
to comply with the terms of his surrender from Gulf War I, but cannot give
the US the benefit of the doubt, and no time to prove their case. This is
nice to know. Perhaps the "world" needs to remember all the good things the
US has done for it. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 2:39 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Tony Blair, Internet surfer

>I'm not saying to ignore it, but to help the innocents FIRST, and as a
priority... Otherwise they'll get more and more into a cycle of
>It won't be "justified" for another attack, but things should be put
into place of priority...

Priority does not come into it. The two take place simultaneously.

>But since the countries have pledged to help the citizens of Iraq, then
why not step up and give a whole-hearted amount of help?

Truly...why not step up and give a whole hearted amount of help?

>Are you saying that during a "boring" period, the governments pay money
to sit and scratch their asses, just in case something might need
>in the future? What happens if 2 things need investigation? Do they
have 2 teams? Maybe 3 in case the other 2 are busy?

'Teams' and investigative committees are formed at the point in time
when investigations must be made.

>True, but the funds given to them could be used elsewhere in the

No. The funds should not be used elsewhere. There is not a 'lack of
funds' to help the Iraqi people that is being 'drained' by investigating
whether we were lied to or not.

>Seriously though, there's far to many things that the intelligence
community gets wrong, but this is being highlighted as it cost a lot of
money in one 
>go - others may have spent a large amount over longer periods, but
because it's not a high public profile it won't get investigated

A war against a soverign nation that has altered the balance of power in
our world and in the Middle East, that has killed thousands (they
stopped counting) DESERVES the utmost attention, and should be forefront
if there are well founded allegations that such a war was started based
on exaggerated or incorrect statements. That is WHY there has been loads
of press coverage. This one action, so far, IS more important than
anything else that's ever happened in recent history.

We are talking about Britan and America AGGRESSIVELY ATTACKING another
country, Firing First,starting a war to gain strategic influence and
territory if the 'evidence' was false. An action like that, is reason
enough for a World War. And America and Britain would be the guilty
parties for starting such a war, if they attacked Iraq based on lies. 

If Russia and China had attacked Taiwan, and the 'evidence' they used
was lies...what do you think would be the world response? 

Have you sat and really thought...really conceptualised what it MEANS
for America and Britain to INVADE a soveriegn territory by LYING to the
population of America and Britain? 
Have you really thought what it means that your elected officials LIED
to you, put your citizens at risk in WAR and then lied to you about the
reasons so boldfacedly? Put your country's sons and daughters to DIE
over lies?
Can you understand how other countries in the world feel? 

Stop. And think about it. And maybe you can understand why the world
demands answers.
Or maybe not...since you are a citizen of one of the victors in this

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Seriously though, there's far to many things that the intelligence
community gets wrong, but this is being highlighted as it cost a lot of
money in one go - others may have spent a large amount over longer
periods, but because it's not a high public profile it won't get

Is this one matter THAT much more important than everything else going

The war is over - it happened, it'll happen again (it's the nature of
war), was there a BIG investigation after Vietnam? How about after the
Falklands? The original Iraq war?

There was loads of press coverage, but this one item seems to be of more
importance than anything else that's ever happened...


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