cool story...

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Churvis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 3:51 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: A good american

> | >| So I take it that you hold in contempt those who have a sincere,
> | >| or otherwise, conviction that serving in the military is wrong.

Alvin York was a consciencious objector on religious grounds and petitioned
the government to not be drafted on that basis.  He was turned down.

Later during basic training here in Georgia, he refused to shoot at targets
shaped like humans, and instead qualified using plain round targets.  "Sir,
I am doing wrong. Practicing to kill people is against my religion" was his
reason.  His superiors wondered how someone with such uncanny marksmanship
at 500 yards could possibly be a consciencious objector.  They had a talk
with him about the principles of this country of ours and its history, and
they gave him some time to think it all over.

Alvin came back to his superiors saying that he was more against war than
ever, but that he would serve and do what was necessary of a soldier.  He
was send to the Argonne Forest, right to the German front line.

For those of you not familiar with the outcome, Alvin York killed 25
Germans, knocked out 35 machine guns, and captured 132 prisoners almost
single-handed.  He killed over and over again with great precision and
strategic military thinking so that he could kill as many as possible in
just the right places and make it seem that the division was under attack by
another division.  He was awarded, among other things, the Congressional
Medal of Honor for his actions.

There is a proper way to conscienciously object to war, and Alvin C. York
showed us all exactly how to do it.  You object on moral grounds as long and
as hard as possible, but when push comes to shove -- and not just to shove
against you personally -- you fight with everything you've got.  And you do
it for something greater than yourself.


Adam Phillip Churvis
Member of Team Macromedia

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