Nah - I thought it was good. I was just commenting on a general contradiction that 
I've seen in the news lately - one that I thought you might have been perpetuating 
based on your comments in a thread the other day, and then this one.

1. Commenting on the missing WMD that the US used as evidence to invade a country is a 
waste of time because things are over now - the bombs have been dropped, the $300 
billion has been spent - and it doesn't matter anyway because Sadaam was a Bad Guy. 
It's unpatriotic to dwell over this.

2. Putting the main focus of the aftermath on the over-reporting of a looted museum by 
the liberal media is fine.

That's all. I'll take a muffin to the head though if you got one handy :)

>Oh well. I tried to pass on what I thought was good news.
>Meaning I thought it was good that the artifacts were indeed safe
>somewhere and that the Americans hadn't stole them all.
>That's all I was trying to do.
>Pass on something different. Something I thought was good.
>Apparently according to our resident lovely Adam, that isn't the case.
>Tell you what everyone.
>I stick to cooking muffins ok?
>I think I can do that without anger the heavens.
>Of course the non-carb people will go for my throat.

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