This reminds me .. what web comics do you all read on a regular basis?  I'm
always on the lookout for interesting new comics.

Here are the ones I currently keep up with:

User Friendly

Bruno the Bandit
Bruno is a bandit, obviously.  Sometimes he's good at what he does and
sometimes he isn't.  He's not a bad guy, per se, but he does have a
different set of moral standards than most.  He has a miniature dragon for a
sidekick.  Unfortunately, she usually gets him into trouble instead of
saving him from it.  I'm kind-of iffy about this one.  It's not so boring
that I wouldn't read it, but it's certainly not my favorite either.

This one is just hard to describe.  The author introduces this way: "Come on
take a trip with me through life's festival of sin. We'll go high five the
hand of God and tip over sacred cows. Cuz we all strays from paradise yo,
angels and devils, dawgs and kats, howling at the moon."  oooooook.  The
comic has its moments .. especially the ones where God interacts with
everyone.  These are usually funniest when he gives the Devil a hard time.

College Roomies From Hell
This is what "Friends" would have been like if the writers wrote many of the
scripts while on LSD.

Unicorn Jelly
A hard one to describe.  The author describes it as such: "Unicorn Jelly is
a philosophical science fiction manga strip which tells a metaphoric and
purposeful story with a definitive beginning and ending.  A definite ending
it does have.  The comic was completed on April 14 this year.  It's very
serious.  Never any humor.  It's also difficult to follow as the entire
story spans many generations.  If I started reading it when it first came
out, then I probably wouldn't have kept up with it.  Starting to the
beginning and going through all of the strips, one after another, helped
keep my attention.  Those looking for a casual read should probably pass on
this one.  You really have to keep up with the many, many characters and
involved storyline to understand this one.  It is a nice change of pace from
the "one-liner" strips though.)

Player vs. Player
Comic about a gaming mag company.  Rather User Friendly-like in its

Force Monkeys
The adventures of 2 Jedi wannabes and their pet Jawa .. ok then :)

Mega Tokyo
Anime-style comic about 2 game junkies trapped in Japan.  Sometimes funny ..
sometimes serious.  This one would probably appeal more to fans of Anime
than the casual comic reader.

Life of Riley
This one is just ... odd.  The basic plot is: "There are a bunch of people
sharing a house and they all have these completely way out adventures".  It
includes such things as a vampire roommate.  Angels.  Demons.  Paintball
tournaments to decide the fate of the world.  A succubus that has the hots
for the vampire.  An artistically-minded moron who can morph into a
tech-guru/mathematical genius with super powers .. and a bunch of other
weird stuff.  It's sometimes serious and sometimes goofy, but it's always ..
um .. different.  This one isn't for everyone :)

I haven't gotten around to Penny Arcade yet.

So .. what's everyone else reading?



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