> But lest be real about Canada and Mexico. The US would have 
> to be acting 
> pretty egregious for a long while before something like that 
> would happen. 
> Moreover long before a military invasion would occur there 
> are better ways 
> of bringing the US to its needs. Both Canada and Mexico shut 
> down their oil 
> and gas pipelines, and stop all other energy transmissions. 
> It would take 
> less than a week for the US to come begging.

So, is it against the law now to discuss how to bring down America? ;)
Just making sure before I post and some Secret Service agent shows up at
my doorstep. ;) Along with what Larry said, I'd also say that if the
attackers were willing to engage in terrorist activities, but of a
different sort than what we have seen far, it would greatly damange us
and be much easier to pull off then 9/11. I believe I've mentioned this
before, so forgive me for repeating, but I've often wondered why Osama
didn't follow up the 9/11 attack, which was on a major US city, which
numerous attacks in _tiny_ cities. While 9/11 was scary, it was, for
most folks I think, something that occured "in the big city", not in
their back yard, yet it would be amazingly trivial to pull off minor
attacks across the country. And the best part is that it wouldn't even
matter if you killed anyone. If you were to walk into the Walmart in
Crowley, Louisiana and blow yourself up, taking out maybe 2-3 people
besides you, and this was done in various other small cities across
America, it would seem like it would have a _very_ dramatic effect,
maybe even more so than 9/11, since no one would feel safe anywhere. 

And just to be anal, of course I don't want this to happen, but I do
wonder why terrorists only seem to target big cities. 

On a related note, do most people live in smaller, medium, or large
cities? I mean as a whole of course.


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