Mainly because they are fairly consistent.

The USA is two-faced, and manipulative, mainly in furtherance of various
"business interests."
We have a history of supporting one despot after another, and then changing
course in mid stream and condemning them.
Examples:  United Fruit Co. and its relations with Central and South American
                     both Koreas
                     Former USSR
                     So. Africa
                     I could just go on ad infinitum

It seems that the US policy is mainly along the lines of if a fat cat has
something to gain, then the will of the US is imposed on that region.  When the
fat cat's interests change, so does US policy.

The American public was told at one time that all the reconstruction costs in
Iraq would be reimbursed by sales of Iraqi oil.  Seems that has taken a back
seat as the costs escalate, and the Administration continues to borrow against
our great grandchildren's futures with ever record-setting deficit spending,
while at the same time giving tax relief to the fat cats along with tokenism for
middle-class America.  In the meantime, our own economy continues to suffer,
state and local taxes are on the rise, and more and more jobs are lost, some say
forever.  Class warfare is alive and well in the US.
If the billions being funneled into Iraq were instead re-directed to domestic
issues, perhaps the 1930s era food lines would disappear, and we could eliminate
hunger in America and at the same time we could become the most secure nation of
all.  Our Immigration policies are still wide open, as are most of our borders.
While the media calls it "spin," we are ever increasingly lied to by our
government, while at the same time our liberties are being taken away step by
step, The American people are being economically raped and any in opposition are
referred to as unpatriotic. Guess I will be classified as yellow, if I want to
fly anywhere, huh?
I could continue with subjects such as how much of our infrastructure and basic
commodities are increasingly coming under control of foreign corporations. but I
will leave that for another thread.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dana Tierney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 5:18 AM
Subject: Re: Switzerland and Peace & Harmony

| key question: Why do they not have the enemies we do?
| hypothesis: better taste in leaders? Less confrontational political style?
| No Monroe doctrine?
| Dana
| Heald, Tim writes:
| > They have all the gold and money.  They are used by everyone else to conduct
| > "business"  plus they don't have the enemies we do.
| >
| > Tim
| >
| >
| > -----Original Message-----
| > From: Erika L Walker-Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| > Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 2:53 PM
| > To: CF-Community
| > Subject: Switzerland and Peace & Harmony
| >
| >
| > >>| -----Original Message-----
| > >>| From: Heald, Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| > >>|
| > >>| More over, something Adam doesn't realize.  The only reason
| > >>| he can be a snotty, whiney bitch is because of that defense
| > >>| spending.  Please do realize, if we cut back, disarmed, and
| > >>| I don't know, planted the seeds of love and harmony and
| > >>| good will, someone would invade us eventually.  Who knows
| > >>| maybe the Mexicans or something.
| >
| > How does Switzerland get away with it then?
| > They don't hurt anyone, stay out of the wars, ski all the time, and make
| > great chocolate ... What's their secret?
| >
| >
| >

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