Alright, with a total of eight votes against, we have a winna!

Raymond Camden, we have had it with you and you are the target of the
day. Look you moron, this is a community list for people who want to
discuss CF and other stuff, and you have to be able to understand a
simple conversation as a condition to join. It's clear you can't get
past your Sci-Fi fanboy hang ups long enough to participate. I have no
patience for drooling idiots today.

If you want to make a point, you need to get someone off-list to
idiot-proof your thoughts before posting them. Otherwise, there are
plenty of Heinlein, Dr. Who, Dragonball Z, and Lisp mailing lists where
people like you can go to complain about things that NEVER EVEN
HAPPENED. This Dr. Who topic is now closed. Period. EOS. Mike D, please
ban this nitwit if he keeps prattling on. A story was posted, people
talked, and you ruined it. Now shut up.

BTW, don't think that, just because you put up the CFLIB site, you are
anything special. The idea probably occurred to 10,000 other developers
out there to do the same thing, it's just that someone at Allaire forgot
to remove your name from a mailing list that you even found out about
UDFs before they came out and had the lead time to be first to market.
That site is just a vehicle for your ambitions to be a t-shirt shop
owner on a boardwalk somewhere, and everyone really wishes you would
just get on with it and stay off the email.

Somebody else abuse this guy, I am too disgusted with this lamer to


-----Original Message-----
From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 12:13 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: TOD

Hee hee hee ^_^
I second Raymond.

"Missing a subtle point" should be interesting.


-----Original Message-----
From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 12:02 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: TOD

> Otherwise, vote for Ray or John. Abuse begins once a clear
> been reached.

Well, I vote for Ray, seeing as how the TOD is supposed to be an
rant against an arbitrary subject, "missing a subtle point"
seems more
arbitrary than self-nomination.

Deanna, determining the TOD by chance, whim, or impulse, and not
necessity, reason, or principle



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