This isn't a debate voer any issues, this is just John's profile to help
with the TOD voting.

Speaking of which, it is time to vote. If there are any last minute
nominees, send their names now.

Otherwise, vote for Ray or John. Abuse begins once a clear majority has
been reached.


-----Original Message-----
From: Doug White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 11:51 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: TOD

A few objections:

| > Sure,
| >     1. I am pro-life. Not for religious reasons.

opposed , a Woman's body is a woman's body, and not anyone
else's business.  I
can even think of cases where retro-active abortion might be
applicable <g>

| >     2. I am pro death penalty.

I used to be, and the concept is a good one, but in practice, it
does ot work as
long as there is a chance of an innocent being executed.  For
that reason alone,
I have changed my stance and am against the death penalty.

| >     3. government is too big, too many social programs.
| should lift themselves up.

Perhaps so, absence of ethics is a big problem.

| >     4. iraq deserved to be invaded

Perhaps so, but not by the US, and not justified by lies and

| >     5. world is overpopulated

Tell that to the INS who still follows an open borders policy.

| >     6. i am tired of the middle east. cant it just go away?
| flood, nukes, i dont care what....

Tell the advertisers that support the biased news agencies.

| >     7. politically correctness sucks ass i am a honkey
| ass whitey who doesnt care....

I can't see anything wrong with  pride of who you are.

| >     8. hunting should only be done by those who need the
| to survive, all others should have their asses kicked

I will stay out of this one, it requires the application of too

| >


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