rebuttal from an "old" programmer who went back to college while in his 50's and
got a new degree.

As far as the Indians starting their own IT companies, it will not be 5 to 10
years, it is today and now.
They are bidding on jobs for $15. per hour and have staffs if highly qualified
engineers available.

The Universities there are strongly financially supported by companies such as

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----- Original Message -----
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: CF Salary Range

| If they can put out a better product or the same product at a better
| price, then I say more power to them. There are so many people in
| the IT field that are overpaid and underskilled as it is, it's our own
| fault if the jobs do go overseas.
| I've been in the IT industry for 5 or so years, and what I see is that
| the majority of the IT jobs in this country are populated by old
| programmers who coded for <insert ancient architecture here> and
| haven't read a book since, CertWhores(tm) who get highly specialized
| training in reading books and taking practice tests, or CompSci 2yr
| grads who get into IT for the money who's only real skill is writing
| resumes. Hell, there are more salespeople in IT, than actual IT
| people. This is reflected in the whole "networking" phenomenon
| that is what IT conventions are really for. I went to one Devcon...and
| the knowledge of some of the presenters was laughable. They knew
| someone, and were given a handout.
| The fact that big companies have to go overseas to get the job done is
| of no surprise to me. Even though the root of the problem is of their
| making, it can only be expected.
| The real problem happens when in 5 or 10 years, the Indians get sick
| of working for some stupid American company, and start their own IT
| firms.
| --
| Tuesday, September 30, 2003, 9:18:29 AM, you wrote:
| BD> I agree. I think that any US based company should not be allowed to
| BD> outsource their work to India, Tawain etc... unless it is something that
| BD> you can only get in those Countries. It really bothers me that big
| BD> companies like Intel and others would rather hire people outside of the
| BD> US so they can save some money rather than give jobs to people who live
| BD> in their own country.
| BD> Ben
| BD> -----Original Message-----
| BD> From: Doug White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| BD> Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 8:56 AM
| BD> To: CF-Community
| BD> Subject: Re: CF Salary Range
| BD> What the government is NOT addressing is the consulting companies that
| BD> are
| BD> springing up who do not bring the workers to the US under any kind of
| BD> visa, but
| BD> do their work in India, etc.   These are the ones who are working for
| BD> peanuts,
| BD> while still able to use highly educated and highly skilled developers.
| BD> I am not
| BD> knocking the work these groups produce, but these are IT jobs that are
| BD> being
| BD> permanently lost to workers in the US.
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