dammit...i already ate and i was just very nearly physically ill.

still suppressing the gag reflex,
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Jim Campbell
  To: CF-Community
  Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 2:14 PM
  Subject: Re: Pet Monkeys

  Golden (Shower) Girls.

  Oooh, there goes my appetite.

  - Jim

  charlie griefer wrote:

  >Oh my sweet lord I can't stop picturing Bea Arthur and Betty White being dirty with each other.
  >AAAAH!  My eyes!  My eyes!
  >>Actually that should have been "my wife's MOTHER'S former partner".
  >>The concept is all well and good I suppose but the reality of a
  >>household full of late-middle aged, pear-shaped lesbians isn't nearly as
  >>evocative.  ;^)
  >>It's more like "Bouw chica whuaaaaa?"
  >>Jim Davis
  >>-----Original Message-----
  >>From: Marlon Moyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  >>Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 4:36 PM
  >>To: CF-Community
  >>Subject: Re: Pet Monkeys
  >>Jim, I'm confused by your post when you say "My wife's former partner"
  >>and "household of lesbians".  Suddenly porn music is playing through my
  >>(bouw chica bouw woun)
  >>Jim Davis wrote:
  >>>My wife's former partner had one.  I didn't get to spend too much time
  >>>around it (and perhaps that's the cause of its behavior around me) but
  >>>it was a LOUD messy little thing.
  >>>If you can offer it the run on the house and train it well then
  >>>but if you plan on caging it then watch out: they get bored and nasty.
  >>>And since they have hands they can throw (ammo they produce
  >>>and they can scream.  And if you can give them the run of the house
  >>>WATCH OUT!  If you think that cats are bad about getting into things
  >>>up on things that you'd rather they didn't wait until you see a simian
  >>>with opposable thumbs try!
  >>>This particular monkey also had sensitivity to a woman's cycle - and
  >>>would get very agitated during it (a real negative in a household of
  >>>In general I came away with the conclusion that it was a fine idea
  >>>broke down big in practice.  ;^)
  >>>Jim Davis
  >>>-----Original Message-----
  >>>From: Shawn Regan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  >>>Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 4:01 PM
  >>>To: CF-Community
  >>>Subject: OT: Pet Monkeys
  >>>Anyone out there have a pet monkey? I would like to know your thoughts
  >>>this type of pet.
  >>>Shawn Regan
  >>>  _____  
  >> _____  

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