I can't remember the actual case law name, and it probably varies from state
to state, and of course IANAL, but in this situation if the rescuer was
carrying, it likely would not be legal to pull the gun in the apprehension
of the crook.

The self-defense laws do not cover a situation in which A.) the situation is
not actually life threatening (the crook was just running by); and/or B.)
you instigate the life threatening situation (such as not being part of the
situation and then getting yourself involved by giving chase).


----- Original Message -----
From: "Angel Stewart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 8:03 AM
Subject: RE: mugging in cmh

> Tim is probably operating from the point of view of a gun owner.
> However unless you are witnessing someone bashing away with a baseball
> bat in a robbery attempt, I don't know how smart it is for an unarmed
> person to run after a thief who has a very high probability of being
> armed with a gun, if you yourself are not similarly armed.
> I also don't know the implications, having a gun as a citizen, for
> running after a presumed thief with weapon drawn, or shooting behind the
> individual. It's a scenario best left up to the cops and those with
> relevant training in most cases.
> -Gel
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