Piggyback becuz I didn't see the original...

If "women want a huge wedding and men want to elope" then why am I (who wishes to elope) having a huge wedding to accomodate my husband-to-be?  Why did my best friend have to accomodate her husbands wedding wishes, when she just wanted to get married in the courthouse.  And I am certain some male friend has called me an asshole at some point.  And last night I sat on mike's hand and farted.

Obviously, your stereotpyes dont' apply to everyone.  Thats because they are stereotypes - they aren't based in genetics.  They are cultural norms that folks seem to follow.

Doesnt' mean we have to follow them, nor does it mean they apply to everyone.
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Larry C. Lyons
  To: CF-Community
  Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 7:52 AM
  Subject: Re: You People

  At 11:50 AM 11/18/2003, you wrote:
  >The basic physiological and mental differences between men and women
  >prevent this from happening.  It's like asking why women want a huge
  >wedding when they get married and men want to elope. Have you ever seen a
  >man call a woman an "asshole" as a joke? I do that with my buddies all the
  >time.  When was the last time you saw a woman ask a man to "pull my
  >finger"?  The differences prevent these sorts of things from happening,
  >most of the time.

  Mental Differences? I assume you mean cultural. I hope you mean cultural or
  there are several women on this list that are going to have your skull as a
  drinking cup.


  >- Matt Small
  >----- Original Message -----
  >   From: Robyn Follen
  >   To: CF-Community
  >   Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 11:32 AM
  >   Subject: RE: You People
  >   What's stopping people from abusing heterosexual marriage for the same
  >   purposes?
  >   -Robyn
  >   -----Original Message-----
  >   From: Haggerty, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  >   Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 11:24 AM
  >   To: CF-Community
  >   Subject: RE: You People
  >   I'm not sure this is guilt some much as my stupid-people sense kicking
  >   in. I mean, I'm not rapidly opposed to the idea, I can just see
  >   situations where it might be put to bad use.
  >   Soemthing strikes me as odd when two guys could watch the Red Sox play a
  >   1:00 game, get wasted on Schlitz, and end up at a county courthouse
  >   later that day with the full legal right to get married.  That's not
  >   catholic guilt, that's a joke people were telling back in the 50s.
  >   Or a fraternity could use it as a hazing ritual, getting all the plebes
  >   married off to one another. I have seen this done in mock fashion, and I
  >   know people who would have made kids go all the way (and kids who would
  >   have).
  >   Or a gang thing where you have to prove how hardcore you are.
  >   Imagine if downtrodden men were marrying themselves off to help
  >   immigrants get citizenship. Panhandlers will beat themselves up with
  >   sticks for a $20, why not marriage?
  >   It just strikes me as running counter to the stated aims of the
  >   instituion of marriage, to bring social and financial stablity to a
  >   country. People could easily abuse this for short-term gain, amusement,
  >   status, etc. The bar would need to be set fairly high in order to avoid
  >   the problems that go along with it.
  >   M
  >   -----Original Message-----
  >   From: Heald, Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  >   Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 11:05 AM
  >   To: CF-Community
  >   Subject: RE: You People
  >   >I blame the Liberals on this list for derailing my train of thought.
  >   >Nobody ever talk about same sex marriage again, it gives me the
  >   willies.
  >   That's just your catholic guilt reflex kicking in man.  You'll get over
  >   it
  >   :)
  >   Tim
  >   -----Original Message-----
  >   From: Haggerty, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  >   Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 11:05 AM
  >   To: CF-Community
  >   Subject: You People
  >   I had something important I was going to respond to, where someone asked
  >   a question and didn't get a response. I had it all thought out and was
  >   getting ready to put it to email, when someone asked me something about
  >   stylesheets here in the office. I helped him out, then that thread about
  >   Massachusetts came up and I had to post something dumb.
  >   Now I can't remember what I was going to say, or who I was going to
  >   respond to. I looked through all the messages (handily sorted by
  >   Microsoft Outlook 2003, the best email editor there is or ever will be)
  >   and realized I cannot find what I was going to respond to.
  >   ...
  >   I blame the Liberals on this list for derailing my train of thought.
  >   Nobody ever talk about same sex marriage again, it gives me the willies.
  >   M
  >     _____
  >     _____

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