So with the semi-OT talk of standards over on cf-talk, it coincides with
something I've been thinking and some frustrations I've been having.

Standards don't exist.

They are a frumious Bandersnatch. We can write the words and they can even
have some kind of meaning to people, but they either don't seem to have the
same meaning to everyone or they simply only exist as words and will never
be seen in reality.

Dave's quote was excellent and worth repeating I think:

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress
depends on the unreasonable man." - George Bernard Shaw

A current CSS frustration:

  display: table-column-group

I really need that for a project I'm working on. I need the ability to
control the display of a column in a table. Yes I can kludge around it, but
it's not pretty. So what browsers support this CSS2 declaration that was
ratified over 5 years ago? None. It's a standard that doesn't exist. It's my
frumious Bandersnatch.


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