We've just completed the first major 2003 launch of our event site at
http://www.firstnight.org and I was hoping for some opinions.

First Night is the nation's largest and oldest New Year's Eve festival of
the arts and community.  The event normally draws upwards of 2.5 million
people into Boston and is the "big three" largest annual events in revenue
(the Fourth of July and the Boston Marathon being the other two).

Although begun in Boston First Night celebrations are now held in over 200
cities worldwide.

The main new part of the site is the "New Year's Eve" celebration.

The whole artist and events/planner functionality is done (for the first
time this year) using a cached CFC model as the datastore.  I'm pretty
pleased with the results.  This is my first use of CFCs and while I'm
pleased with the results I'll be rebuilding the system in January... there's
just too many "if I had only known" moments.

For the techies the very, very bottom of the page features the tickcount
from CF (counted from the beginning of Application.cfm to the end of

This is the seventh year that I've done the site.  The designer, Karin
Horlbeck (who is by far the best designer I've ever worked with) has also
done the site for the seven years.  We've had two or three others in any
given year but the team has always been very small.

Any comments?  Ideas?  Confusions?  Tech gods forbid, errors?

I know that a lot of the artist/event material is bare - we're working on
that now (there was more than a little confusion about who would be doing
what) and I hope to have it fleshed out within the next week.


Jim Davis
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