A growing list of countries has banned US beef imports. I dunno how the
heck Trinidad got on that list! I always think we're too small for any
news organisations to care what stance we take on issues. But so far two
stances have been publicised....the fact that we rejected pressure by
the US to not take part in the International Criminal Court (for which
the US removed all military aid from our country) and now with the beef.
Who knows what the US will do to us now for having the audacity to be
worried about Mad Cow Disease affecting us! :-\

"The United Arab Emirates and China, which in 2002 imported 532 million
dollars of meat products, became the latest nations to suspend U.S. beef

Japan, the world's biggest importer of U.S. beef on a value basis,
imposed an immediate ban after the U.S. announcement late Tuesday, and
Mexico, the top importer by tonnage, quickly followed on Wednesday.

South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Australia and
Thailand, Paraguay, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Russia, Peru, Canada, South
Africa, and Trinidad and Tobago all halted imports, leaving the
politically weighty U.S. beef industry in turmoil.

The scare knocked fears of a Christmas holiday terror strike to rival
the September 11 attacks off the top of U.S. news bulletins."



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