When people in college found out I was from KY, the first question was
always "Can you score me some pot?" or "Can I bum a cigarrette?"

You know, because I'm such a heavy smoker and all.  Grr.


Marlon Moyer wrote:

> They have women in Canada?  I thought it was all just male explorers in
> big furry parkas.
> actually Dan, I know the feeling.  When we moved to South Dakota, we
> were always asked questions like "Are the Indians allowed to ride their
> horses across your yard?"
> Dan Phillips wrote:
>  >I got in because I married a Canadian. You either have to do that or get
>  >hired by a Canadian company. You could get a visitors pass. If you have
>  >a passport you are allowed to stay for 6 months. During that time you
>  >could job shop and work on getting your work visa.
>  >
>  >-----Original Message-----
>  >From: dana tierney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >Sent: Monday, December 29, 2003 10:49 AM
>  >To: CF-Community
>  >Subject: Re:Things I have been asked
>  >
>  >
>  >You forgot Vancouver, which is a little like San Francisco with
>  >mountains, from what I remember of it. Ottawa isn't THAT big. I get
>  >claustrophobia when my family tries to talk me into moving back there.
>  >Great for tulips in the spring and maples in the fall though. A pretty
>  >place, if you are looking for a smallish city. Toronto has all of the
>  >good and bad points of big cities -- vibrant nightlife, traffic, and
>  >crime. Very flat tho, but moderate temperatures for Canada. Montreal is
>  >a really great city in my opinion but if you move there you had best be
>  >willing to learn to speak French.
>  >
>  >Not sure how the job market is (I live in New Mexico) but judging by
>  >what I saw when I googled around for someone else you really need to
>  >find the job then emigrate. I am sure Dan can tell you more if you are
>  >interested.
>  >
>  >Dana
>  >
>  >  
>  >
>  >>It is nice. Immigration can be a pain though. All depeneds on your
>  >>sponsor. I'm still taking a look at things around here career wise but
>  >>not looking too hard since I still have my job with CFX. Montreal,
>  >>Toronto, and Ottawa are huge cities and I'm sure you could find a CF
>  >>related job. There is a bit of a "brain drain" going on here though.
>  >>Everyone is moving to the states because there is more money.
>  >>
>  >>-----Original Message-----
>  >>From: Mark Smyth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >>Sent: Monday, December 29, 2003 11:08 AM
>  >>To: CF-Community
>  >>Subject: RE: Things I have been asked
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>I've toyed with the idea of emigrating to Canda before...   It sounds
>  >>like a
>  >>great place to live.
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>Is there plenty of work for developers over there?
>  >>
>  >>-----Original Message-----
>  >>From: Dan Phillips [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >>Sent: 29 December 2003 16:05
>  >>To: CF-Community
>  >>Subject: Things I have been asked
>  >>
>  >>Just thought I would share this in case anyone needs a laugh this
>  >>morning.
>  >>
>  >>Since people found out I was moving to Canada, I've had some really
>  >>strange questions. It's funny how many people think we all live in
>  >>Igloos here. The following have been asked by family, friends, and
>  >>co-workers.
>  >>
>  >>- Do they have Coke or Pepsi in Canada?
>  >>- Do they have malls in Canada?
>  >>- Do they celebrate Christmas?
>  >>- Who is the King and what's his name?
>  >>- How will you keep moose out of your backyard?
>  >> _____
>  >> _____  
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>   
>  >>
>  >  _____  
>  >
>  >
>  >
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