:-( :-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(

I'm really sorry to hear that, Charlie.  I was robbed of my truck's
stereo about three weeks ago - the truck was in my driveway and it
happened while I was sleeping.  I totally empathize with you.

- Matt Small

On Monday, December 29, 2003, at 11:41 AM, Charlie Griefer wrote:

> My wife works for Wells Fargo bank as a phone banker.  Phone bankers
> are available 24/7, 365...so she had to work X-mas day (she had
> Thanksgiving off tho).  So my x-mas was spent cleaning out the garage
> (which I was glad to do, as it needed it).
> When my wife got home from work, she parked our truck in the street,
> since my garage-cleaning project was still in full force, and the
> driveway was full of garage-type-things.  She intended to move the
> truck into the driveway when I was done and had everything cleared
> away, but never did.
> The next morning (Fri), she got up to go to work (I was still in bed,
> as she works earlier hours than me).  It was about 6:30 am, when she
> came into the bedroom very panicked.  The truck was gone, and the door
> from our garage to the laundry room was propped open.
> We had been robbed.
> Apparently, since she meant to move the truck into the driveway, she
> didn't bother locking it up.  During the course of the evening,
> somebody (i'm assuming, for some reason, 2 people...so I'm going to
> refer to "they/them", for no good reason...it could be a he/him) was
> having a pretty good time going up our street knocking over recycling
> bins.  When they got to our house, they saw the truck in the street,
> saw that it was open, and found the garage door opener on the
> visor.  Since the garage door is normally closed (and the truck
> locked), we don't normally lock the door from the garage to the
> laundry room...so they had access to the house.
> They didn't grab much...seems like they just ran in and out...but they
> got enough.  My wife's purse (with house keys and truck keys, and
> wallet and credit cards, and cell phone), my wallet (with credit cards
> and about $80 cash), my iPaq (with expansion sleeve and 512MB sd
> card), and my camcorder (with a videotape still in there containing
> video of my 18 month old daughter's first steps).
> On the way out, since they had found keys in my wife's purse, they
> helped themselves to our truck as well (a 2000 Mazda B-3000).
> We've spent the last few days cancelling credit cards, closing out
> bank accounts, getting new licenses at DMV, cancelling cell phone
> accounts, having locks re-keyed, trying to find a rental car at
> X-mas...it's all been very trying.
> Oh...and the thing that really concerns me...I found a hammer on the
> floor of the living room that morning.  *my* hammer that I had hung up
> on my pegboard while I was cleaning the garage.  There were people in
> my home while I slept...no more than 20 feet from where my daughter
> was sleeping...helping themselves to my belongings, and carrying MY
> fucking hammer in case any of us happened to wake up.
> Of course, I could take the view that we're lucky nobody *did* wake
> up, and that nobody was hurt.  I just can't stop feeling like I wish I
> had woken up.  Even if I got my ass kicked, at least I would have had
> an opportunity to try and do something.
> I hate not having my iPaq...I hate that somebody is looking through my
> appointments and contacts.  I hate that somebody has video of my
> daughter, given all of the Elizabeth Smart type stories out there.  I
> hate the fact that the ONE day my wife doesn't lock the truck (and it
> truly was the ONE time...she is very very anal about locking the
> cars/house/etc), some pieces of shit happen to be going down my block
> and get lucky.
> I just want these guys found (yes, we filed a police report, for
> whatever good it'll do).  Even if they're prosecuted and walk, at
> least I'll have names...I can get addresses...
> ...then I'll bring my hammer over to their place.  If, in the near
> future, you don't hear anything from me for roughly 3 - 5...you'll
> know why.
> <sigh>
> charlie
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