The platform for the daredevel wing-walker?
<hee hee>
>I'd smoke anyone else's ride here. My slip is for offer anytime anyone wants to go.
>As the greatest man in US history would say... BRING IT ON!
>And in case anyone needs reminding...
>Shivering is natural after seeing it, but you should be ok in a few minutes.
>>I pulled a boner today.
>>I'm in the market for a new vehicle, since the truck that I'm driving,
>>while good looking and well running, has 173,000 miles on it. It's a
>>1995 Chevy Silverado, 4x4. My fiancee loves the thing, thinks it's the
>>manliest truck on this earth. For the record, she's 23, I'm 31, we
>>don't live together, and she's never had a FT job before since she just
>>graduated Grad School with an MBA. She's a lovely girl, just a little
>>idealistic sometimes due to youth.
>>So I go out today, just browsing and this car catches my eye - it' s a
>>2001 Mustang GT. Worse yet, it's a Mustang GT Bullitt - a Steve
>>McQueen style race car. So I test drive it, am unnaturally scared to
>>death of it, and then buy it. I figure since it's only got 38,000 on
>>the odometer, that it will get getter mileage than the giant truck, and
>>that she also has a Mustang that this will resonant well with the
>>Anyway, I proceed to call her after I buy it and she starts crying
>>because I got rid of the truck. She's a bit emotional too sometimes.
>>Please don't get the wrong idea, she's great, but emotional about
>>things sometimes.
>>Let me tell you a little bit more about the car - it's unbelievably
>>fast. I don't know the stats, but the car has some sort of mod chip in
>>it that pushes it to 305 HP. It's a five speed ass haulin' trip to the
>>hospital then to jail for wreckless driving. I admit that I'm a freak
>>for speed sometimes. This is without doubt the fastest car I've ever
>>been in. Anyway, it's a cool little thing with all of the bells and
>>We're not going to have any children soon, so that not an issue, but
>>she did say that she thought I was going to get something more "yuppie"
>>- like an SUV or BMW or something like that.
>>Anyway, that's the boner. I think I'm going to take the car back
>>tomorrow morning and get the truck back. Any comments from my friends
>>on the list?
>>- Matt Small
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