Okay doing family history research which by the way can be seen at
http://www.netconceptions.com <http://www.netconceptions.com>  , and stating
to see something odd. I know that the number of ancestors a person has for a
particular generation doubles from the previous generation's number. So at
the 4th generation back from me I have 8, and the 5th I have 16 and so on.
Which leads to this. You can tell the number of ancestors you have for a
generation by taking 2 to the (generation number minus one) power.

This is all fine and dandy, but after a certain point it becomes more and
more improbable that say after 49 generations which is about 1500 years I
would have  562,949,953,421,312 ancestors in that generation.

So what gives. Is the math suspect? Is there an inbreeding curve? Even if
you account for like 50% cross-ancestral breeding, that still leaves a huge
number of people anyone is descended from going back that far. This must
take into account the number of people on earth for the whole generational
period in question.


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