Me bad :)
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 06 January 2004 15:57
  To: CF-Community
  Subject: RE: Downright frightening info about the USDA handling of Mad Cow
in the US.



  It is posted! The entire text is cut and pasted beneath the link!


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Adam Reynolds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 11:51 AM
  To: CF-Community
  Subject: RE: Downright frightening info about the USDA handling of Mad
  Cow in the US.

  Could you post it to the group. I am not registering just to read an
  article. :)
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Sent: 06 January 2004 15:04
    To: CF-Community
    Subject: Downright frightening info about the USDA handling of Mad Cow
  the US.

    "The Cow Jumped Over the U.S.D.A.








    > **



    > Alisa Harrison has worked tirelessly the last two weeks to spread

    > message that bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or mad cow disease,

    > not a risk to American consumers. As spokeswoman for Agriculture

    > Secretary Ann M. Veneman, Ms. Harrison has helped guide news

    > the mad cow crisis, issuing statements, managing press conferences

    > reassuring the world that American beef is safe.


    > For her, it's a familiar message. Before joining the department, Ms.

    > Harrison was director of public relations for the National

    > Beef Association, the beef industry's largest trade group, where she

    > battled government food safety efforts, criticized Oprah Winfrey for

    > raising health questions about American hamburgers, and sent out

    > releases with titles like "Mad Cow Disease Not a Problem in the


    > Ms. Harrison may well be a decent and sincere person who feels she

    > the public's best interest at heart. Nonetheless, her effortless

    > transition from the cattlemen's lobby to the Agriculture Department

    > fine symbol of all that is wrong with America's food safety system.

    > Right now you'd have a hard time finding a federal agency more

    > completely dominated by the industry it was created to regulate.

    > Moore, Ms. Veneman's chief of staff, was previously the chief

    > for the cattlemen's association. Other veterans of that group have

    > high-ranking jobs at the department, as do former meat-packing

    > executives and a former president of the National Pork Producers


    > The Agriculture Department has a dual, often contradictory mandate:

    > promote the sale of meat on behalf of American producers and to

    > guarantee that American meat is safe on behalf of consumers. For too

    > long the emphasis has been on commerce, at the expense of safety.

    > safeguards against mad cow that Ms. Veneman announced on Tuesday --

    > including the elimination of "downer cattle" (cows that cannot walk)

    > from the food chain, the removal of high-risk material like spinal

    > from meat processing, the promise to introduce a system to trace

    > back to the ranch -- have long been demanded by consumer groups.

    > belated introduction seems to have been largely motivated by the

    > to have foreign countries lift restrictions on American beef


    > Worse, on Wednesday Ms. Veneman ruled out the the most important

    > to

    > protect Americans from mad cow disease: a large-scale program to

    > the nation's cattle for bovine spongiform encephalopathy.


    > The beef industry has fought for nearly two decades against

    > testing for any dangerous pathogens, and it isn't hard to guess why:

    > when there is no true grasp of how far and wide a food-borne

    > has spread, there's no obligation to bear the cost of dealing with


    > The United States Department of Agriculture is by no means the first

    > such body to be captured by industry groups. In Europe and Japan the

    > spread of disease was facilitated by the repeated failure of

    > ministries to act on behalf of consumers.


    > In Britain, where mad cow disease was discovered, the ministry of

    > agriculture misled the public about the risks of the disease from

    > very beginning. In December 1986, the first government memo on the

    > pathogen warned that it might have "severe repercussions to the

    > trade and possibly also for humans" and thus all news of it was to

    > kept "confidential." Ten years later, when Britons began to fall

    > with a new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome, thought to be the

    > human form of mad cow, Agriculture Minister Douglas Hogg assured

    > that "British beef is wholly safe." It was something of a shock,

    > months later, when the health minister, Stephen Dorrell, told

    > that mad cow disease might indeed be able to cross the species

    > and sicken human beings.


    > In the wake of that scandal, France, Spain, Italy, Germany and Japan

    > banned imports of British beef -- yet they denied for years there

    > risk of mad cow disease among their own cattle. Those denials proved

    > false, once widespread testing for the disease was introduced. An

    > investigation by the French Senate in 2001 found that the

    > Ministry minimized the threat of mad cow and "constantly sought to

    > prevent or delay the introduction of precautionary measures" that

    > have had an adverse effect on the competitiveness of the

    > industry." In Tokyo, a similar mad cow investigation in 2002 accused

    > Japanese Agriculture Ministry of "serious maladministration" and

    > concluded that it had "always considered the immediate interests of

    > producers in its policy judgments."


    > Instead of learning from the mistakes of other countries, America

    > seems to be repeating them. In the past week much has been made of

    > "firewall" now protecting American cattle from infection with mad

    > disease -- the ban on feeding rendered cattle meat or beef

    > cattle that was imposed by the Food and Drug Administration in 1997.

    > That ban has been cited again and again by Agriculture Department

    > industry spokesmen as some sort of guarantee that mad cow has not

    > hold in the United States. Unfortunately, this firewall may have

    > big enough to let a herd of steer wander through it.


    > First, the current ban still allows the feeding of cattle blood to

    > young

    > calves -- a practice that Stanley Prusiner, who won the Nobel Prize

    > medicine for his work on the proteins that cause mad cow disease,

    > "a really stupid idea." More important, the ban on feed has hardly

    > enforced. A 2001 study by the Government Accounting Office found

    > one-fifth of American feed and rendering companies that handle

    > prohibited material had no systems in place to prevent the

    > of cattle feed. According to the report, more than a quarter of feed

    > manufacturers in Colorado, one of the top beef-producing states,

    > not even aware of the F.D.A. measures to prevent mad cow disease,

    > years after their introduction.


    > A follow-up study by the accounting office in 2002 said that the

    > F.D.A.'s "inspection database is so severely flawed" that "it should

    > be used to assess compliance" with the feed ban. Indeed, 14 years

    > Britain announced its ban on feeding cattle proteins to cattle, the

    > and Drug Administration still did not have a complete listing of the

    > American companies rendering cattle and manufacturing cattle feed.


    > The Washington State Holstein at the center of the current mad cow

    > crisis may have been born in Canada, but even that possibility

    > little assurance about the state of mad cow disease in the United

    > States. Last year 1.7 million live cattle were imported from Canada

    > and almost a million more came from Mexico, a country whose

    > ministry has been even slower than its American counterpart to

    > strict safeguards against mad cow disease.


    > Last year the Agriculture Department tested only 20,000 cattle for

    > bovine spongiform encephalopathy, out of the roughly 35 million

    > slaughtered. Belgium, with a cattle population a small fraction of

    > tested about 20 times that number for the disease. Japan tests every

    > and steer that people are going to eat.


    > Instead of testing American cattle, the government has heavily

    > on

    > work by the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis to determine how much

    > threat mad cow disease poses to the United States. For the past week

    > Agriculture Department has emphasized the reassuring findings of

    > Harvard studies, but a closer examination of them is not comforting.

    > Although thorough and well intended, they are based on computer

    > of how mad cow disease might spread. Their accuracy is dependent on

    > their underlying assumptions. "Our model is not amenable to formal

    > validation," says the Harvard group in its main report, "because

    > are no controlled experiments in which the introduction and

    > of B.S.E. introduction to a country has been monitored and


    > Unfortunately, "formal validation" is exactly what we need. And the

    > only

    > way to get it is to begin widespread testing of American cattle for

    > cow disease -- with particular focus on dairy cattle, the animals at

    > highest risk for the disease and whose meat provides most of the

    > nation's fast food hamburgers.


    > In addition, we need to give the federal government mandatory recall

    > powers, so that any contaminated or suspect meat can be swiftly

    > from the market. As of now all meat recalls are voluntary and

    > ineffective at getting bad meat off supermarket shelves. And most of

    > all, we need to create an independent food safety agency whose sole

    > responsibility is to protect the public health. Let the Agriculture

    > Department continue to promote American meat worldwide -- but

    > new agency to ensure that meat is safe to eat.


    > Yes, the threat to human health posed by mad cow remains uncertain.

    > But

    > testing American cattle for dangerous pathogens will increase the

    > of beef by just pennies per pound. Failing to do so could impose a

    > higher price, both in dollars and in human suffering.


    > /Eric Schlosser is author of "Fast Food Nation" and "Reefer


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