You mean that the IMF may be applying 1 standard to US and another to everyone
else?  How awful.
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Andre Turrettini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 10:58 AM
  To: CF-Community
  Subject: RE: US Deficit a threat to the world economy IMF

  Well, many of the european nations have huge debts as well if you compare by
  % of gdp.  So, if the usa and europe are f***ed.  Pretty much everyone is
  f***ed but we already knew that!


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 9:24 AM
  To: CF-Community
  Subject: RE: US Deficit a threat to the world economy IMF


  It seems that for the forseeable future the US is pretty much f***ed and
  Europe is rising followed closely by Asia?


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Matthew Small [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  OK, now there is a recession and we're still working on getting out of
  Bush certainly has not helped future generations at all with deficit
  spending, although I will admit that government spending does tend to
  bring greater financial prosperity.  I think that's what we're seeing
  now - the effect of government spending has a positive effect on the
  nation's economy.  The difference between Clinton spending and Bush
  spending is that Clinton spent from money that we had from taxes, while
  Bush reduces taxes and spends even more than we have.  There's a strong
  short term effect but in the long run we're going to be paying for it in
  our old age and our children's old age.

  I will also say that I think that NAFTA (A Clinton and Republican joint
  effort) is a miserable failure for those people on the low end of the
  financial spectrum.  Ross Perot got it right when he said: "That loud
  whooshing noise is coming from Mexico sucking up all of our
  manufacturing jobs."

  - Matt Small

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