I could've done without that...

: )

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Erika L Walker-Arnold
  To: CF-Community
  Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 11:18 AM
  Subject: RE: Its a bird.. a plane.. no its........

  The problem was, our dog Charlie ate some poop out in the back yard.
  then chose exactly one minute after we shut the lights out to go to
  sleep one night to throw it all back up.


  I had to clean it up. It took almost a half-hour because I repeatedly
  almost vomited myself from the disgusting smell. I had to leave the
  room, take a deep breath, then come rushing back in and clean up some
  more. And it didn't help to breath through my mouth. It was like a fog
  of really bad putrid smell. No wonder she threw up. GAG GAG GAG  0_0

  And when Phil does doggie duty in the yard to gather up their poop, it
  seriously stinks.

  So when they did that scene, allI could think of was Charlie puking up a
  glob of putrid poop and picking up poop from the backyard. Couple that
  with actually eating it and I'm almost sick right now just thinking
  about it.

  I would rather look at dead carcasses than imagine eating dog poop. (and
  I've come across my fair share of ripe, week old animal carcasses.)


    -----Original Message-----
  From: Jim Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 12:52 PM
  To: CF-Community
  Subject: Re: Its a bird.. a plane.. no its........

  Amateurs.  You and Erika are hereby ordered to go rent John Waters'
  "Pink Flamingos" - make sure it's unedited - and watch it all the way
  through.  Then, let me know if anyone threw up.  :)
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