I was talking about the future, not the present.

Did you not get that, or is your feeble mind that stupid. Why do you think
that people are trialling pay per view, that are driving for an online
system to view your movies as I was saying:-)

As for broadband, I also stated that it will be delivered by broadband or
faster in the future not the present.

Things come successful based on demand, not by say so.

The future, is very bright. Your so blind you can't see the way the market
is driving us. Instead of being so blind to what you want, be more open
minded to what the future might be and what the future might be like. That's
the whole point of that article, you are so blind to that, you have argued
more than you can bargain for. If the demand is high for what the article is
saying then it will happen, and based on the past and what is happening now
the article is not far of the mark as it says. The only thing is that you
are talking about you, I am talking about what we tend to spend our money on
and why these have become popular, not the way you think but the way we use
it and thus we end up demanding it more and using it more and it becomes
part of our lives.

That's the point, nothing more nothing less.

Andrew Scott
Technical Consultant

NuSphere Pty Ltd
Level 2/33 Bank Street
South Melbourne, Victoria, 3205

Phone: 03 9686 0485  -  Fax: 03 9699 7976   


Sent: Tuesday, 20 January 2004 12:02 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: RE: RE: Bleak future for videogamers?

> Actually NO, the article is right in what it is saying. That is
> the way the
> world is going, like for instance PAY per View is going.
> Consider the future for a moment, you'll no longer hire movies
> from the
> video store. The future will have an appliance like a jukebox,
> that you can
> use to store your music and play when you feel fit. The same with
> movies,you pay for the right to view this over a broadband or
> faster connection,
> eliminating the need to go to the video store anymore.

Aww shucks, look like you've never heard of DVDs, the market being much,
much larger than ANY ppv model.  Gee, looks like people like to OWN the
stuff they pay for.

And for christs sake, stop assuming everyone has broadband!!  My Gawd,
what's your fetish with that?

My parent's house in Orange County has NO cable connection.  ADSL is still
not available for them - and won't be for the forseeable while.  And
satellite has too much latency for good online gaming.  Their only hope is
to have a WAP installed sometime soon.

> The way iTunes has taken off, and online games is going the
> article says
> that this is the way game developers are thinking. And in time
> this WILL
> happen like it or not.
> I mean you can now browse the internet, and do your shopping on a
> fridge.You can only imagine what the future will be, you can not
> say for sure that
> just because you will not be doing it means that this is not what
> the rest
> of the public will be doing....

And that'll make it successful?  Just because some developers said so?

> iTunes has survived because of demand, Xbox live will grow because
> of demand
> as will sony's version. The PC will be next in line, and the
> demand will be
> stronger than you can imagine.

Duh... Guess what, I online game, and hey, what does online gaming have to
do with restricted content access?

> I talk to people in America all the time, and yes it is cheaper
> than it was
> 2 years ago and is getting cheaper as more people go that way. And
> will get
> cheaper as the competition grows as well.

What competition?  The baby bells in the US that are going to merge over the
next couple of years?

> You don't see the point do you, when and if it happens it will be
> the same
> as the music and yes there will need to be a lot of conditions met
> etc, what
> if I have to reinstall a pc what if I want to play it a work as
> well as home
> these are questions that will be asked and dealt with when the
> time comes.
> But lets say the online version of Unreal 2004, which btw is my
> best came to
> date is the unreal engine.
> I buy the engine with 1 level, the size is say 200meg. When I
> finish this
> level I can then d/l the next level, when and if I want too. Or is
> that too
> much for your pee brain to consider. Over time you then have this
> on your
> machine, so you can then play them to your hearts content, or
> delete them if
> you no longer want them.

Did you even read the article?  He's talking about RESTRICTED content
access.  So, no, you WON'T be able to do whatever you want with your
content.  And if you agree with that, you're a nitwit.

> Take a step back for a moment, and ask yourself this.... Is this
> what I am
> going to do or is this going to be the way the rest of the world
> is going to
> be, the answer is simply the direction will be based on the
> demand. Xbox
> live is the trial, other online games is the trial and from all
> accountsthis is what the public are going to keep asking for. Just
> because it is not
> your cup of tea, doesn't mean that the next 20 people think the
> same way
> that you do on this. And that my friend is the big difference on
> this whole
> article!!!!

Again, online gaming has _nothing_ to do with ppv gaming.  So stop babbling
about that.
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