> There are the games that you want to make, and then there are
> the games you make to feed your family.  There's more of the
> second type going on than the first type.

You do that, well, developers work for companies? It's the company that
tells them what to make, not the developers, unless the company is a
couple of 2 bit hacks who don't know any better

Let's take an example:
Metal Arms

The company that made it were guys who all left other companies, so they
were a start-out - they had no real money or backing, only their own

It started out as a bounty hunter game, but as there were LOADS of that
type of game, it was shelved and they used part of it as an idea to make
a new game, this became Metal Arms

So, since we're talking people who have no real income - their first
game out took well over 9 months... And the dev cycle was "restarted"
during that time as they had to drop the original idea

Where in this do we see "feed your family"? They actually had to go into
dept before taking the game to a distributor

I think you'll find that instead of refering to them as "feed your
family", it should be "I'm too lazy to make a decent game, so let's hit
the stupid people who will buy anything" type of game :P

The problem with the machines isn't that people are making money to feed
their family (if they REALLY only wanted to do that, then they wouldn't
be in game development), but it's the lazy developers who can't be
bothered producing a decent, well tested, product - this is INCREDIBLY
prevelant on the Sony machines

Look at the percentage of "good" games on the consoles (these are from
personal experience)
PS1 & PS2 - 5% (at best) of games are worth playing
Xbox - 25% of games are worth playing
GameCube - 33% of games are worth playing

There's FAR too much crap out on the Sony machines for the average
punter to wade through and find the gems - instead they get the rubbish,
not knowing any better

Because the developers look at the "intelligence" of the console owners
- it's a common interpretation that people who own the Sony machines
only do so because "Little Johnny" told them to buy it - they know
nothing of the gaming industry, so will buy anything for their children,
so the games which come out tend to be trash

It was like the difference betweem the Saturn and PlayStation - the
Saturn was the "Gamers" choice, the PlayStation was the "Kids" choice -
which is why the Saturn failed - it didn't have the support that the PS
did (no "kiddies" bought it) - the Saturn had FAR superior games on
average, but not many people got to see it!

If we're not careful, then the same thing will happen with the current
consoles - decent games not being produced as the small kids games and
dross take over, because Sony is a "Mass Market" machine, and not a
"Gaming" machine!

That's my opinion, and I firmly believe it to be true <g>
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