Well it's kinda like people in the 1800's finding skirts and legs very offensive.  But look at all the crap we can handle today!  And also, I dont think ONE person decides what gay means.  It just happen to turn into something hehe

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Deanna Schneider
  To: CF-Community
  Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 8:41 AM
  Subject: Re: Political Correctness

  > Assuming we all want to be nice and not hurt anyones feelings, which is
  > true of course, but lets pretend, why should a minority group get to
  > meanings of words? If the majority says that X implies Y but the minority
  > disagrees, well, isn't that too bad? Sure X may have meant something bad
  > the past, but language is fluid, it changes.
  > -rc

  Actually, I think that it's really the other way around. The majority
  culture has generally defined derogatory terminology. And, yes, in general,
  it is "just too bad" for minority cultures as a whole. In this particular
  instance, we're not talking about a word that has changed meaning. We're
  talking about a word that the majority still uses in a pejorative way, and
  that a minority (1) claims isn't meant to be belittling _when he uses it_.
  You're exactly right. That one person doesn't get to decide what "gay"

  By the way, if anyone wants to see a massive list of racial slurs, check
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