> Consoles are a different story, since the hardware is fixed,
> and developers create games tailored to that hardware.
> PC games are geared to a somewhat vague hardware spec that
> increases over time.
> I'm not sure if PC developers would care about Phantom owners
> when creating games, unless the Phantom user base was quite large.
> Since the Phantom is supposed to run PC games, this is
> probably going to become an issue over time.

So, with you thinking that developers won't care about Phantom owners,
lets look at the number of PC video cards which don't have many
purchases compared to the ATi and NVidea ones...

Yet, they still manage to write their code to work for those

Amazing isn't it!

Yet, even if 10,000 Phantoms get sold, that's still in the league of
some of the smaller graphics cards around... And since the Phantom has a
NVidea graphics card, you think that developers WON'T write for that
card set?

Right, so how are you going to side-peddle on this one? <g>
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