oi Tim!!

could be worse mate.


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Friday, February 13, 2004, 9:33:51 AM, you wrote:

HT> Hey kids,

HT> Figured I would rant some.

HT> Why is it that people that aren't capable of writing the most basic
HT> procedural code decide to try whatever new technology or methodology that
HT> they find on the web?

HT> I have been working 12+ hour days for the past three weeks because this
HT> schmuck took 8 months to write an unusable database and a front end that had
HT> more errors than anything I have ever used in my life.  He got fired and now
HT> we still have to deliver it on time. I am so sick of this crap.

HT> I saw a picture in the Washington Post Express this morning on page 4.  My
HT> old unit from North Carolina is deploying to Iraq for a year.

HT> Not sure where I would rather be.  For some reason my unit never seems to
HT> get deployed.  We thought we might get the call, but it went to another
HT> nasty grrl LRSD unit.

HT> cures curse curse curse.

HT> arrrrggghhhhh

HT> need sleep.  need something.

HT> Quit drinking again.  Had to.  I have been getting way to aggressive again.
HT> Figured I would learn before it got to bad this time.

HT> Oh well.  Suck it up. drive on, drink some water.

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