>>By logic the Italians should be held to blame.

And yet, all I can think of to blame is the French...... ;-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Lyons, Larry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 10:25 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Final thoughts on Gibson

He may have tried it but never inhaled.  ;)

Anyhow crucifixion was exclusively a Roman punishment for rebellious subject
people or slaves. Roman citizens if executed were beheaded, or encouraged to
commit suicide (i.e., fall on your own sword type of thing), but never
crucified during either the Republic or Empire.

By logic the Italians should be held to blame.


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 10:16 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Final thoughts on Gibson
> So he was stoned? I ask this in all seriousness as there are
> only 4 death penalties given out by the Jewish courts and
> crucifiction is not one of them. As for Jews being defensive,
> we've been massacred for centuries over this. Our property
> stolen, our faith denied, our very right to exist as a free
> people denied. Look at history and you'll see how this has
> been used as an excuse to kill us. We have every right to be
> defensive.
> > And as far the Jews killing Jesus you're partly right.
> Pilate did want
> > to let Jesus go. He was urged to prosecute by the Jewish
> preists. In
> > Mark Pilate asked them: "Then what shall I do with the man whom you
> > call the King of the Jews?" And they cried out again,
> "Crucify him."
> > And Pilate said to them, "Why, what evil has he done?" But they
> > shouted all the more, "Crucify him." The other 3 gospels
> make the jews
> > look even worse.
> >
> > I think though that since the Crucifixion being central to
> christian
> > belief, was pre-ordained. Without it Christianity wouldn't exist. I
> > think Christians can stop blaming Jews and Jews can stop being
> > defensive.
> >
> > Greg
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jeffry Houser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 8:59 AM
> > To: CF-Community
> > Subject: Re: Final thoughts on Gibson
> >
> >
> > At 08:04 AM 2/23/2004, you wrote:
> >
> > >"It has as much to do with the Christian Bible as Pirates of the
> > >Caribbean had to do with the 17th century." -That's an
> amazing piece
> > >of
> >
> > >clairvoyance for someone who hasn't seen the movie yet.
> > >
> > >-A lot of scholars and even the pope (who's job it is to
> know about
> > >these things) agree that it's a VERY good representation
> of history.
> > >"It is as it was" I believe was the Pope's quote.
> >
> >   I thought the Vatican denied saying that and slammed the
> > movie-people for claiming otherwise?  I could be wrong.
> >
> >   My mother--a devote Roman Catholic--made some off-hand
> comment about
> > the Jews killing Jesus last time I was visiting.  This offended my
> > partially
> >
> > Jewish GF.  When she was growing up, it was apparently the
> teaching of
> > the (Roman Catholic) church that the Jews killed Jesus.
> >
> >   I don't remember that from my upbringing, however in the
> memories of
> > childhood that I'm not blocking I do remember Pilate being
> painted as
> > a guy who wanted to let Jesus go.
> >
> >   On a semi-unrelated note, in the scrapbook section of the
> Prehistory
> > of the Far Side there is a doodle of "Jesus rising from the
> grave."  
> > It shows
> > the tomb in the background and Jesus standing over a
> skillet / drinking
> > coffee.  The thought bubble is "Man, I wonder what time it is; feels
> > like
> > I've been dead for three days."
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Jeffry Houser, Web Developer <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Aaron Skye, Guitarist / Songwriter <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > --
> > AIM: Reboog711  | Phone: 1-203-379-0773
> > --
> > My Books: <http://www.instantcoldfusion.com>
> > Recording Music: <http://www.fcfstudios.com>
> > Original Energetic Acoustic Rock: <http://www.farcryfly.com>
> >
> >
> >
> >
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