Vancouver was nice. Salt Lake City was really clean too. I remember the
first time I went to NYC that I was actually surprised that it wasn't as
dirty as I figured it would be. It didn't live down to my expectations!


> >>Toronto is the cleanest, prettiest city I've ever been to. Would love to
> >>go back. I really want to go to PEI and eat fresh lobster ... drool ...
> You have obviously never been to Portland Oregon. Or Santa Fe. I have
heard this before about Toront, and it is true that there is less litter
than in NYC for example, but I am a bit jaundiced. A childhood friend who
bought a house close to downtown had to have all of the topsoil in her yeard
removed and her whole house decontaminated; apparently a lot of heavt metals
had accumulated ovcer the years from the auto plant smkestacks across
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