I'll ask her for a list.
Also, she says she is not in any denomination.
She described it as a back-to-basics group
based largely on serious bible study, joyous pray-reading, etc.
To me, it looks like Christian Chasidism ;-)
> Ben,
> As a Catholic myself, I'd like to hear what she is referring to
> when she says that Catholics "do a lot of things that are not a true
> part of the faith"...
> Also, you say she is very Christian. What denomination is she?
> Cheers,
> Jeff
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ben Braver
> To: CF-Community
> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 2:49 PM
> Subject: Re: Priestly sexual abuse statistics
> My wife, who is *very* Christian, says the Catholic church
> does a lot of things which are not a true part of the faith.
> Patrick, I think you're right.
> Hmmm, if they are supposed to abstain,
> maybe today when it gets really stiff and painful
> the priests should take Celebrex.
> ;-)
> -Ben
> >yes I think in the original, God said "celebrate" not "celibate". Ah
> the
> >subtleties of language! :-)
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Charlie Griefer
> >
> >my guess would be it's the whole celibacy issue (which just ain't
> natural).
> >
> >
> >
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