LISP Programmers ar eall a bunch of F'ing loons. Have you seen that
langugage? You can define the structure of objects and the global order
of operations programmatically. There are no rules, it is just a bunch
of mish mash.

If you want all isntances of objects to run a certain function after
they are created, you can modify the Object object to wait until
something is instantiated to run the function.

I'm telling you, it's sick.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Graeme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 2:13 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Hi, I'm back

> F Logo.
> We're all LISP developers around here!
> Woo Hoo!

You know, it's funny but I almost wrote LISP instead of Logo. I had a
roomate in college who was studying AI and spent way too much time in
He walked around muttering about cars and cooters.

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