> "Losing Control of Your TV - In the future, the Motion
> Picture Association of America HYPERLINK
> "http://www.technologyreview.com/articles/wo_garfinkel030304.a
> sp" \nwill control your television set. Every TV sold in the
> United States will come equipped with an electronic circuit
> that will search incoming TV programs for a tiny electronic
> flag. The MPAAs members will control this flag, putting it
> into broadcast movies and television shows as they see fit.
> If the flag is present, your TV will go into a special
> high-security mode and lock down its high-quality digital
> outputs. If you want to record a flagged program, youll have
> to do so on analog tape or on a special low-resolution DVD.
> Any recording will be limited to analog-quality sound. This
> security measure is not designed to protect the television
> from viruses or computer hackersits designed to protect TV
> programs from you. "
> Big Business 1 : Consumer 0
> yet again.

Not at all. Don't buy a TV. You don't have to own one, or own a new one.
Fight with your pocket book. Sure it is Utopian, but at the same time, if
most people don't care about losing the right to create high quality
recordings, then the MPAA will win, as it should since we didn't do our part
to convince enough people to not buy TVs with this chip.

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