I went to a dot.net seminar on Friday.  I've got to admit that a lot of the
stuff dot.net has to offer is pretty tempting.  I was creating a wish list
for CFMX as I was listening to the presenter.  I started thinking, I've been
doing cf dev for about 6 years and I know the strengths and weaknesses of
the language fairly well by now.  How long will it take to learn the same in
dot.net.  One of the major things to know about a language is all of the
"gotcha's", like the locking issues from cf5, the issues with CFC addresses,
structcopy vs duplicate,etc.  You can sit and be wowed by the presenter at
the seminar, but what's he hiding about the weaknesses of the language.  

I'm the only holdout in my all Microsoft office right now.  I'm melancholy
about changing development platforms because I hold out hope that one day
we'll see that being 100% Microsoft may not be the most intelligent thing to
do.  I don't hold much hope for Mono.  It will be nice that the vb guy and I
can share "solutions" and have different projects in there, but then again
the vb guy doesn't have much idea about oop and doesn't seem to want to
change his programming style.  

Arrrgh.  I'm going to have to start giving up a bunch of free time to learn

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