> It sounds like you've been under a lot of stress lately. Jobs, computers,
> deaths. Yeah, I can imagine that you'd have some bad feelings.
Stress I can take. I'm actually rather happy as I'm working now after a year
and a half of not.

> Something bad will happen, and you will be able to point to it and say
> "see?" We all hope it's not something like 9/11, but even if it is we will
> weather it. I encourage you to prepare yourself to also see the good
> that happen so that you will be able to point and say "see?"
When 9/11 happened, the people I was in contact with all said their bad
feeling was gone as well as mine. Might have been psychological, but I've
got that religious neurosis that some things are kinda pre-ordained. We can
stop them sometimes, but....

> -Kevin
> > Thanks. I'm just a bit worried about the 'doom' feeling (not you Ben).
> It's
> > either depression or something worse. I'd rather it be depression.
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