Thanks Erika, this is very useful info.

> -----Original Message-----
> I don't know if you can do the Tower of London AND reach Leeds in the
> same day. It's a 5 (approx.) hour drive from London. But you can try ;)
> :D
We were going to do the London stuff on the last 1.5 days

> Scratch Loch Ness off. You won't make it with that Scotland itinerary.
> Castle Urqhuart is on Loch Ness, so scratch that. from Glascow, Lochness
> is a good 3-4 hours driving on treacherous skinny wind-y roads.


> One of the things about driving around England is you have to factor in
> going no more than about 50 MPH down many of the roads, and there are
> not a lot of city BYPASSES, which means you are often stuck going right
> through the center of towns and cities, sometimes not at the best time
> of day.
Maybe something sporty isn't the best then :)

> You'll be passing PLENTY of pubs, just stop at the ones that look
> interesting. They are all great. In my mind.
> If you trust me, I've done all these places you listed (except Belfast)
> and more. So I do know what I talk of. ;) :D
> Email me if you need help with something ... We're connected ;) :D I can
> whip out my driving maps and get better times and give you more websites
> for the ferries and what not.
Thanks, I might be getting in touch with you soon.

> You will be able to keep the same car .. Just make sure you get
> unlimited mileage. :D
> Cheers,
> Erika
> --------------------------------------------------
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