
  "Some people would like you to think President Bush lied when he talked
  about Saddam Hussein's weapons. The funny thing is, many of the president's
  current critics are politicians who made strikingly similar claims about
  Iraq in the not-too-distant past. When Bill Clinton was in office, his
  fellow Democrats had much to say about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.
  But if you listen to them now, you might conclude that the entire party
  suffers from collective amnesia. Democrats used to talk tough about Iraq.
  They did when one of their own....."

  There isn't much question that Iraq had the WMD programs in place 10 or more
years ago.
  Where the deceptions came is was the assertion that he CURRENTLY had WMD, as
well as the implication that he was a terrorist state.  These assertions,
brought by members of both parties have already been proven to be completely
false, and that the Bush Administration had the agenda/goal of bringing down of
Iraq, long before they even took office.  This agenda originated during his
father's administration, and well may be one of the driving forces that made him
pepper his own administration with the holdovers from back then.
  The next thing is to "follow the money."  that is to track who benefits from
the fall of Saddam Hussien, whom this country supported "back then"    The money
trail goes direct to Halliburton (Vice President Cheney) and other fat cats who
are the biggest contributors to the Bush effort.

  It is already history that it was Loyal Republicans who kept up the personal
attacks and contrived scandals to disrupt the previous administration who still
managed to counter the "Tax and Spend" labels, and reduce the national debt,
preside over the biggest economic growth this country ever experienced, and turn
traditional Republican budget deficits into a huge surplus.

  There is no known Republican administration in the US history that has
presided over Budget Surpluses, and who has not shoved the country deeper into
debt.  This debt must be repaid at some point in time, and that is exactly what
the Democratic agenda is.

  While I personally don't support "Universal Health Care" I do believe that the
Republicans have given the Health industry, including pharmaceutical companies
license to continue to rape the American Public.  This methodology by the
Republicans cannot be refuted.

  As long as Bush campaigns on a bed of Fear tactics, I hope sincerely he will
be soundly defeated, come November.  Even Mickey Mouse or Scooby-Doo would be
better choices.
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