ah, makes it different than a canadian resident crossing the border to buy a computer, I guess

>>>Up until that point you had been a US resident though, correct? And
>you are still a US citizen? Maybe that was the difference
>Yes, I still am a US citizen and will be even after I become a legal
>canuck. Since I'm still paid in US funds and I pay US taxes I have my
>rights. Basically, I'm still a US citizen unless I participate in any
>anti-american terrorist functions or things along that line. I applied
>for a visitor's pass (good for 6 months with a passport) and had a
>signed letter from work stating that I would need to transport computer
>equipment across the border from time to time because of work.
>I was never questioned about my truck when I crossed the border. I'll be
>starting the process soon to get my truck registered with ontario
>-----Original Message-----
>From: dana tierney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 3:09 PM
>To: CF-Community
>Subject: Re: Nice people....
>Up until that point you had been a US resident though, correct? And you
>are still a US citizen? Maybe that was the difference.
>Here is all I know. Several years ago I went north for the summer. The
>children were little and I took many cubic feet of stuff with me. The
>back of a pickup was pretty much full. The computer, worth about 2000 US
>at the time and a desktop model, was questioned. I told them that I was
>staying at least two months and planned to do some writing. This was
>I was in Canada again in the summer of 2001. My mother was pressuring me
>to move back to Canada -- she does this periodically -- and I made
>inquiries as to how it would work if I did.  OHIP wanted to see a slip
>from customs saying I had declared an intention to reside in Canada.
>Once they saw that slip there would be a three month wait to register
>and a waiting list to actually be assigned to a doctor. Canada Customs
>told me that my car, an older Toyota, was actually exempt from import
>duties, and the slip that OHIP was talking about would be the sort of
>thing that would be given to someone moving north with a houseful of
>stuff. Since I was not doing that at the time, I did not pursue the
>matter further.
>But cross-border shopping is a great pastime in Canada. There is a
>relatively high exemption on American goods -- I am thinking $200 per
>trip ? -- but Canadians who buy goods in the US are supposed to pay
>customs duties.
>  _____
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